Elise Le Boulicaut Ennis

Elise Le Boulicaut Ennis

City Coordinator

I currently work as a postdoc at Yale, where I study the most fundamental building blocks of matter by analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland. I have been involved in science outreach and education for a while, but this is my first time experiencing Pint of Science!

Jorge Torres

Jorge Torres

City Coordinator

I'm an experimental particle physicist at Yale University, originally from Mexico. I study neutrinos, which are tiny particles that barely interact with matter, and I love sharing my excitement about them through science communication. When I'm not doing physics, you can find me cycling or climbing.

Pranav Sanghavi

Pranav Sanghavi

Event Manager

Pranav is a a postdoctoral associate at Yale University working on 21cm Cosmology and Radio Astronomy Instrumentation. In his copious free time he makes art, music, and food.

Jacqueline Baeza-Rubio

Jacqueline Baeza-Rubio

Event Manager

Jacqueline “Jackie” Baeza-Rubio PhD student at Yale that uses lasers to levitate nanoparticles. She is searching for sterile neutrinos, a hypothetical particle, using a tabletop radioactive nanosphere levitation experiment. In her free time, Jackie likes to volunteer her time to outreach events.

Andrew Tamis

Andrew Tamis

Event Manager

Andrew Tamis is a 4th year PhD student in Dr. Helen Caines' lab. He studies energy correlations in the fragmentation of quarks and gluons ejected from collisions of relativistic ions at Brookhaven National Lab. In his free time he enjoys cooking, video games, and musicals!

Evyn Dickinson

Evyn Dickinson

Event Manager

Evyn is a 5th year PhD candidate in the Jeanne lab at Yale, where he studies how environmentally relevant sensory cues alter behavioral states. He is supported by an NIH NRSA grant and is the Wu Tsai Institute Student, Postbac & Postdoc Collective co-chair. In his free time, Evyn is involved in LGBT…

Ashlea Segal

Ashlea Segal

Event Manager

Ashlea is a postdoc at Wu Tsai Institute, Yale University exploring neurobiological variability and consistency across individuals with common psychiatric disorders. When not working, she likes to surrounded by trees, swimming in the ocean, or with friends enjoying good food, live sport or music.